At Smith & Wilcutt, LLC, we are proud to be trusted legal counselors for individuals facing family law and divorce concerns. Our team is comprised of experienced attorneys who take the time to get to know you, your case and your legal situation. When you work with our team, you can be confident that your case is in good hands. We have a reputation for success and we can assist you with filing for divorce, obtaining protective or domestic violence orders, and protecting your rights as a parent during custody- and support-related cases. Recently, we announced the launch of our new website, and to correspond with the site, we also are launching this blog. The blog will be updated periodically to provide information to clients and Bowling Green residents, so make sure to check back soon! In the meantime, contact Smith & Wilcutt, LLC today and schedule your case evaluation as soon as possible.

Welcome to the Blog for Smith & Wilcutt, LLC