Bowling Green Child Custody Modifications Lawyer
Looking to change a child custody order?
If circumstances have changed since your child custody order was entered by the court, a Bowling Green divorce attorney from Smith & Wilcutt, LLC can help. We have over 25 years of experience helping families change child custody orders and we would be glad to help you too.
We understand that your child's wellbeing is a top priority and if your current custody arrangement is less than ideal, you can come to us for the caring and steadfast legal representation you need during this time.
Your situation is important and deserves prompt attention. To make things easier on you, we gladly offer free case evaluations and we have weekend appointments available upon request.
Child Custody Modifications in Bowling Green
As children grow older and as parents move on with their lives, situations and circumstances change. When your child's situation or your situation changes you may find the need to ask for a new order from the court.
At the court hearing, you will need to prove that a different order would be in your child's best interests for the court to agree and modify the existing court order.
In general, it is difficult to change a child custody order within the first two years; therefore, if you are looking to modify the order, you will need to prove to the court: 1) that the current order my harm your child, or 2) the child is no longer living with the parent who has residential custody.
Common reasons for child custody modifications, include:
- The child does not get along with the residential parent's new spouse or partner.
- The child no longer lives with the residential parent.
- The child is older and is not getting along with the residential parent.
- The child wants to change schools.
- The residential parent cannot afford to properly care for the child.
- The child is a victim of neglect or abuse.
- The residential parents is incapacitated due to an injury or illness.
Going Back to Court
If you and the other parent agree on the modification, you can both sign an Agreement, which will have to be filed with the court to be valid, but you won't need to attend another hearing.
If you and the other parent do not agree on a modification, you can ask the court to make the change. In this scenario, you will have to attend a court hearing and prove to the court why such a change would be in your child's best interests, and that there has been a significant change in your personal circumstances that would warrant a change.
Contact a Bowling Green Divorce Attorney
Your child custody case is important and we don't take child custody modifications lightly. We encourage you to contact our office to schedule a free consultation with one of our friendly and knowledgeable lawyers. Our intention is to explain your rights and help take the mystery and worry out of the modification process.